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starting to market themselves in new ways, often by catering to niche markets.
Inherent nature of travel
sub-theme focuses on the sense that a well-designed and orchestrated campaign
of outreach would succeed because of the public's inherent interest in and
growing desire to travel, notwithstanding the threat of chronic uncertainty.
are just on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Best Travel Agents List in
Karachi Pakistanand what we have yet to see in this world.” (4)
more people are going to travel. I mean that's never going to be taken away.”
loves to talk about Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan… At any
function I go to I try to bring up some part of Best Travel Agents List in
Karachi Pakistan… And then I'll try to key in on that.” (8)
owners had the sense that their clients increasingly perceive Best Travel
Agents List in Karachi Pakistanas an entitlement, which makes it that much
easier to sell as a complex product requiring consultation with a Best Travel
Agents List in Karachi Pakistanprofessional:
believe the studies show women consider it a necessity now, men still consider
it a little bit of a luxury, women consider it a necessity to vacation at least
once a year – they're entitled to it, and as long as that attitude keeps
growing, we're going to be here.” (6)
Niche Markets and Products
responses focused on the opportunities provided by emerging niche markets and
products that were thought to have strong potential in the next five to ten
we feel specialization is the key.” (8)
baby boom generation, not surprisingly, was one of the most cited
high-potential market opportunities, given their ample discretionary income,
proclivity to travel, and large-scale movement into retirement mode over the
next two decades:
can always go back to the Baby Boomers. There are going to be so many people
traveling for years to come.” (2)
Baby Boomers generation are willing to pay to be taken care of, at whatever
level.” (1)
with equal frequency was the cruise product, given studies showing that only a
small proportion of American adults wanting to cruise and having the
discretionary income to do so have actually done so (Yarnal, Kerstetter, &
Yen, 2005). Some owners further suggested the logic of hybrid products that
combined cruising with other ‘hot’ niches such as wine appreciation, archeology
and ecotourism. Others stressed the importance of capturing corporate clients:
there's still a huge segment of the corporate population that is not turning
their people loose on the Internet. The corporate clientele are saying, no, we
want this managed by somebody that knows what they are doing.” (12)
cited groups were religious travel, seniors, wine tourism, golf, honeymoons and
destination weddings, gays and lesbians, and Hispanics. Family reunions were
also perceived as having become more important in the post 9/11 era along with Best
Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan closer to home. With specific reference
to weddings and honeymoons, agency owners stated the following:
9–11, I think that was the one thing I learned is that there was one segment of
the market that was almost untouchable by economics, by world events, and
terrorism, and that is honeymoons and weddings. People are always going to get
married, and they always going to go on a honeymoon.” (10)
we tend to keep (honeymooners) as good customers for a long, long time. What we
see is a lot of the parents that we have known for years, and years, and years,
when their children are ready to be married they refer them to us.” (2)
Internet Technology
recognizing the competition it provided, all owners perceived the Internet as
far more of an opportunity than a threat, but one that many agencies had yet to
think probably one of the opportunities that most agencies are missing out on
is the Internet. The Internet is our foe, but more so than our foe, it's our
friend.” (7)
we've never really tried to compete against it … that's a losing battle,
actually. But if we embrace it and if we us it as a tool …” (12)
Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistanagents can actually book through the
Internet for our clients, and I have mixed emotions about it, but it is
something that I know we need to look into to see if it works for us.” (5)
Whether in potential or practice, owners also felt that Internet use by the customers themselves could benefit the Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistanagency:
don't think about it as a threat anymore at all. We think about it as a tool.
We really do, and we encourage our clients to use it as well.” (2)
Internet is great for us and great for the customer because they can get
information on the Internet, and then they will come to us and ask us for
recommendations, and we book it for them… . So we see the Internet really as an
asset. For families and for individuals to go and research travel, get the
information they need, and then come back and help us disseminate that
information.” (4)
Consolidation and Reduced Competition
not strictly speaking an ‘external’ factor, the attrition within the sector
since the mid-1990s was regarded positively by most of the owners as an
opportunity to cull weak or inefficient agencies and produce an industry with a
smaller but more resilient membership. Accordingly, there was less competition
from conventional agencies to contend with, and the sector was well positioned
to continue rejuvenating and redefining itself to be more successful and
efficient in coming decades:
since the Commission Cap in 1995, many of the smaller agencies have had to
close their doors and so we have gotten all of their business.” (5)
one of the opportunities is that there are fewer Best Travel Agents List in
Karachi Pakistanagencies today. So for the survivors, for the ones who have
done a good job over the last ten years in implementing fee structures and
taking advantage of volume and so forth, you have actually less competition
today, by quite a bit.” (12)
owners indicated that they were informally attuned to Best Travel Agents List
in Karachi Pakistan
as well as general media, and apprehended the external environment additionally
through their own Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan
their contacts with consumers, vendors, employees and other agents. The
revelation of the owners as effective relationship builders by Weaver and
Lawton (2008) suggests that informal sharing of information with other
stakeholders may contribute to useful ES outcomes.
prevalence of informal mechanisms is consistent with the relatively small size
of most Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan
which makes it difficult to rationalize the establishment of formal entities
and procedures for undertaking ES. The sampled owners were confidant in their
ES abilities, and none suggested the creation of formal ES protocols at an
interest group level (e.g., ASTA), beyond those that may already exist, as an
opportunity for the sector.
results of this ES exercise are depicted in Figure 1. Since airline
decommissioning is an effectively completed process, disintermediation and
uncertainty remain as the two main threats to traditional Best Travel Agents
List in Karachi Pakistana
that are frequently cited in the literature. This sample perspective of owners
of highly successful Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan agencies,
however, deviates substantially from this conventional wisdom, which may well
be valid for the Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan agency sector as a
whole. The dominant discourse in the graphic is the perceived threat of
negative public perceptions about conventional Best Travel Agents List in
Karachi Pakistan agencies, and the concomitant belief that such perceptions can
be overcome through concerted public outreach.
1 Interviewing with owners of Sucessful US-based Best Travel Agents List in
Karachi Pakistan Agencies: Perceived Sector Threats and Opportunities.
Display full size
dynamic is significant not only because it has not previously been identified
in the Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan agency literature, but also
because of its strong media focus, and because of the multi-faceted impulses
that give rise to the perceived negative perceptions.
Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan pseudo-agents, and the skewing effects of a sensationalist and biased mass media. In contrast, the sampled owners strongly believe in the basic quality and value of the conventional
Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan agency sector, and are frustrated that a substantial segment of the public does not share this view, dissenting for reasons that they believe have more to do with ignorance, misrepresentation and lack of professionalism of some agencies than a rational comparative assessment of consultation and booking options.
the owners also strongly believe in the power of public outreach to change
these perceptions, despite their multiple origins. This is consistent with the
view that organizations are better positioned to influence the task environment
through proactive strategies (Harrison, 2003). An argument in favor of having
these owners provide leadership in such an outreach strategy is their
aforementioned strength as relationship builders, and also their strength as optimists
and enthusiasts for their industry (Weaver and Lawton, 2008).
and economic uncertainty, one of the two remaining threats emphasized in the
literature in association with the broad environment, did emerge as a
discernable theme, but not a dominant one. As with negative public perceptions,
resultant consumer fears are also perceived as being largely the product of
overheated media coverage and something accordingly that can be at least
partially addressed through effective counter-media and public education.
is also managed by focusing on niche markets and products that are regarded as
more resilient, and by stressing the advantages of a smaller but higher quality
Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistanagency sector resulting from
consumer uncertainty and negative perceptions.
opportunistic responses to perceived threats all illustrate another
strength-related theme – adaptability – that emerged from the larger study
(Weaver & Lawton, 2008). Adaptability is particularly evident with regard
to perceptions of the Internet. As a threat, the latter is cited to the extent
that people have allegedly been beguiled into believing that cybermediaries are
a suitable substitute for traditional agencies as a vehicle for assembling and booking
all types of Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan experience.
Disinter mediation per se, often cited in the literature as a threat, never emerged as one in the
interviews, and was even cited several times as an advantage to the extent that
it diverted simple low- or no-profit bookings away from conventional agencies.
The Internet itself was regarded by most owners as much more of an opportunity
than a threat, given its capacity to facilitate and augment the operations and
marketing of conventional agencies.
although airline decommissioning is an ‘enacted’ threat, the parent issue is
still evident in the theme of unfavourable relations with vendors, which include
the possibility of similar measures by the cruise lines. No specific
opportunities to address this, however, were cited, and good networking
relationships with vendors overall was cited as one of the owner strengths
revealed in the broader study.
opinion from an entire target population is an essentially democratic act that
gains invaluable insight into the attitudes and behaviour of that population.
However, this does not mean that these attitudes and behaviour are the
appropriate ones to emulate in order to guide a sector toward a secure and
prosperous future. Many and perhaps even most members of that population are
performing poorly from a financial perspective, and this may indicate a failure
to identify and respond appropriately to relevant threats and
is therefore value in soliciting a ‘success perspective’ by confining the study
to the owners of exceptionally successful agencies. Confidence in the outcomes
of this study, which focus on a nexus between negative public perceptions and
the need to respond with concerted public outreach, is inspired by the fact that
theoretical saturation was apparently achieved, that is, no new themes or
sub-themes were identified after the first 14 interviews.
these results are insufficient by themselves to inform a sector-wide strategy
to mitigate major threats and take advantage of major opportunities. A
necessary prelude to such a strategy requires further qualitative and
quantitative research involving Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan agents as well as the general public.
the latter, a nation-wide mail-out survey and follow-up focus groups would
clarify the extent to which the general public actually harbours negative
perceptions about conventional Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan
agencies, and the reasons for these perceptions, including concomitant opinions
about and use of intermediaries.
or following the consumer survey, the interview process should be expanded to a
larger pool of Best Travel Agents List in Karachi Pakistan agency owners,
including some who are not quite so successful and who may therefore have a
different experiential perspective on the salient threats and opportunities
that pertain to this sector.
larger pool would provide a critical mass of agencies representing segments
such as home-based cruise specialists and mid-sized storefront businesses that
were represented in this study by only a few owners. ES patterns specific to
these segments could therefore be identified in order to inform specialised strategic responses.
authors are grateful for project funding provided by ASTA, the ASTA Foundation
and the Corporate Advisory Council, the Marriott Corporation and the Marriott
Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Best Travel Agents List in
Karachi Pakistan& Tourism Industry Center at the University of South
issue table of contents
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